This is the dish that truly put us on the map
and one of a few original menu items from the original
Kurt's Cuisine est1985
With that in mind, I tallied up the number of Wiener schnitzels
that were ordered in just the dining room alone just last year.
that were ordered in just the dining room alone just last year.
Mind you, this does NOT include pre-set menus or functions
nor does the number reflect Curbside or Delivery orders
Also not counted were the countless schnitzels
sold for catering and/or events during the Oktoberfest season
In the dining room alone
we sold 6 336 orders of this popular dish
(that's 12 672 pieces)
all hand pounded and individually breaded to make this
we sold 6 336 orders of this popular dish
(that's 12 672 pieces)
all hand pounded and individually breaded to make this
our most popular and uncontested signature dish
which, to this day
38 years later
still can be ordered each and every night
at your neighborhood bistro!